Three Tier Lockdown System Comments

The Prime Minister yesterday outlined the plans for the new Three Tier Lockdown System in England. This has been divided up into 3 COVID Alert Levels - Medium, High and Very High. For a full list of what each tier's restrictions are click here…

More Beauty Back & Backed Comments

Another week of adjustments that even the Prime Minister is starting to get confused over only further highlights just how hard it is to stay on top of new rules and how easy it is to lose faith in the system. While it remains so difficult to keep up…

Government's Winter Economy Plan Comments

Today the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, gave details of his Winter Economy Plan - a package of measures which will become available once the furlough scheme comes to an end at the end of October. He explained that while the furlough scheme was the…

Goverment's Response to Rising COVID Cases Comments

While the government updates continue to vary for England and all the Devolved Nations, one thing is certain, daily cases are on the rise throughout the UK. In order to ensure we all do our bit to keep businesses open (and get those who still cannot…