BABTAC Launch Make Beauty Safe Campaign Comments

A campaign to make the unregulated beauty industry safer for consumers What’s the issue? The lack of regulation in the beauty industry in the UK is seriously alarming.  Currently, lack of legislation in the UK beauty industry means there is…

Wales announces 17 day Fire-Break Lockdown Comments

Welsh First Minister, Mark Drakeford, announced today that starting at 6pm this coming Friday, the 23rd October, Wales will be going into a circuit breaking lockdown until the start of Monday the 9th November. He advised this circuit breaker would…

How's Business? Comments

Since most, although sadly not all, of our sector have been open for at least a month or more now, we would like to gain insight into just how both hair and beauty businesses are currently doing.   With the national situation currently so…

Northern Ireland Four Week Circuit Break Comments

Today Arlene Foster announced that Northern Ireland will be introducing a 4 week partial lockdown of the country beginning this Friday the 16th October. Close contact services, apart from essential health services, have been included in this…