
Campaigning on behalf of our BABTAC members and the Beauty Industry at large

Our mission at BABTAC is campaigning for industry regulation, to support and promote responsible businesses within our sector.

We work inclusively with our Patrons Aromatherapy Associates, Dermalogica, Guinot, Hydrafacial, No 7 Beauty Company & Liz Earle  - like minded companies and industry experts in their fields -to raise the profile of our sector and shine a spotlight on our members. Our 'qualified, verified, insured' campaign encourages the public to choose a BABTAC member, offering reassurance that their therpaist is appropriately trained and insured to provide safe and effective treatments.

  • Our TIME Consumer Awareness Campaign was launched at Parliament on Thursday the 26th January 2023 - click here for more details
  • To see some of the previous campaigns we have been invloved in please click here
  • To read more on our Make Beauty safe Campaign  or to sign our petition to please click here
  • For a full review of what BABTAC did for our members over the pandemic please click here

If you would like to be involved or become a Patron please email

Founder Patrons