England faces 4 week second Lockdown

England faces 4 week second Lockdown

Over the weekend Prime Minister Boris Johnston announced that from this Thursday, the 5th November, a 4 week National Lockdown will once again begin in England. This is due to the current trajectory of the virus and the strain the increased number of cases is having on the NHS countrywide, even in the lower tier areas.

The plan that has been put into place will be debated in Parliament on Wednesday and if passed will then come into being from Thursday the 5th November. All non essential retail, including ALL hair & beauty businesses will be required to close in England. For full details of the National Restrictions click here

Until Thursday the current tier system will continue to operate. After the 2nd December different regions will then return to tiers 1 - 3 depending on the rates of infection in those areas.

The current Job Retention Scheme that was due to end now has been extended, Mortgage payment holidays that were due to end will now be also be extended and further business grants have been made eligible. For full details of The Chancellor's plans click here. Further details of these will be provided this week.

Wales and Northern Ireland are both currently already in lockdown while Scotland remains on the level system for now as announced and posted last week.