Current Lockdown & Financial Support Updates Comments

Further to the update sent out on Monday - regarding the Prime Minister's announcement over the weekend - the 4 week National Lockdown began yesterday and will continue to run up to and including the 2nd December. All non essential retail,…

England faces 4 week second Lockdown Comments

Over the weekend Prime Minister Boris Johnston announced that from this Thursday, the 5th November, a 4 week National Lockdown will once again begin in England. This is due to the current trajectory of the virus and the strain the increased number of…

Nottinghamshire Tier 3 Plus a blow to Beauty Comments

It was confirmed by government yesterday that the whole of Nottinghamshire will move into Tier 3 from midnight tonight.   While the announcement had been expected, the additional restrictions included by local government, over and above those…

Current Lockdowns & Further Financial Support Comments

Last week saw the launch of our Make Beauty Safe Campaign and we have been encouraged by the traction this campaign has already gained and how many people have already signed the petition. In order to make government take notice we require as many…