Latest Update on Government Guidelines and Opening Dates Comments

Time is marching on and everyone in our industry is understandably anxious to have a confirmed final opening date and guidelines from government as soon as possible. We have chased Government and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial…

Update on England & Devolved Nations COVID-19 Guidelines Comments

Many members have been getting in contact this week asking if we are able to confirm when government will be releasing their official return to work guidelines, if the 4th July is the definite date of return to work and also how the coming out of…

Return to work update for hair & beauty and salon retail Comments

We are aware of the confusion and uncertainly facing our industry due to conflicting reports and conjecture currently circulating in the media. These include reports that government is presently considering allowing hair salons to return to work on…

Update on Furlough Scheme and SEISS Comments

On Friday the 29th May Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced further details about how the inclusion of flexibility to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will work and confirmed that the scheme will close at the end of October. He also…