Beauty Clinic: the best ways to get rid of body hair Comments

One of the most asked questions at this time of year is what is the best way to remove body hair. A decade ago beauty editors didn't write about excess hair; the subject was as off limits as psoriasis and warts. We are all sharing more now because…

Celebrity endorsements sell salon retail Comments

Love 'em or hate em', every way you turn there's a celebrity trying to flog you something. Especially in the hair and beauty industry. Global manufacturers spend squillions each year on celebrity endorsements for the retail products you sell in salon.…

Beauty Professionals feel 'out of touch' says BABTAC survey Comments

Has a client ever asked you for a treatment and you've been baffled as to what it is you're after? You're not the only one! A survey by BABTAC has revealed that the majority of 'experienced' beauty professionals, those working in the industry for a…

Clients influenced by celebrity treatments Comments

A BABTAC surbey has revealed that half of Britons would be more likely to try a beauty treatment if one of their favorite celebs had already given it a go.  Celebrities were voted more influential than family members and colleagues, yet friends…