Government return to work update for hair, beauty

Return to work update for hair & beauty and salon retail

We are aware of the confusion and uncertainly facing our industry due to conflicting reports and conjecture currently circulating in the media. These include reports that government is presently considering allowing hair salons to return to work on the 15th June with the rest of non-essential retail, 3 weeks ahead of the original confirmed date of the 4th July. There is also confusion and speculation around hair & beauty salons being allowed to open the retail sections of their store (for product purchases only) on the 15th June.
BABTAC Chair, Lesley Blair & British Beauty Council CEO, Millie Kendell MBE have been in contact with the Department for Business, Energy & Industry Strategy (BEIS) to gain clarity on both these issue and have received the following statements on the two matters directly from them today:
  • they do not anticipate hairdressers/beauty salons opening before phase 3, which on the Prime Minister’s road map is around July 4th (they confirmed this applies to mobile and home based salons too)
  • Click and Collect can be used for these businesses (from the 15th June) to sell products as long as customers order in advance and do not enter the premises. 
We ask all our members to ensure that they continue to follow legitimate government guidelines at all times and remember they are basing all decisions on scientific evidence. We communicate daily with government and last week contributed as part of the government technical working groups, offering counsel and access to our own guidance reports ahead of government publishing their own Safer Workplace Guidance. We are currently awaiting their initial draft for review and will continue to keep our members updated on all important communications and factual verified statements.