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Paternity rights - update for salon owners Comments

Are you up to date with the latest on paternity rights? Parental leave rights are always evolving it is a good idea to make sure your Working Families Policies are up to date. This will help you to prepare your business and to be able to give your…

5 small budget marketing tips Comments

You don’t need to have the huge marketing budgets of cosmetics houses or spas to get your salon noticed by the right people. If you market in a targeted and smart way, you can draw in new customers and keep customers coming back to your salon,…

The latest on maternity rights for employees Comments

It's a wonderful thing to be able to share in the joy of welcoming a new baby into the world, when an employee announces her pregnancy. But, when you are running a small business and one of your few employees announces she is pregnant, you may be…

Tips and advice for protecting yourself against a claim Comments

We have found that claims can arise where a therapist has previously used the same product on one client with no reaction, but on one occasion the client experiences a sudden bad reaction. This could result from a change in the clients medical history…