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Trailblazer Apprenticeships Update

The rolling out of new Hair and Beauty Apprenticeship Trailblazer Standards have suffered a setback with the government announcing, during National Apprenticeship Week in March....

We advise against teeth whitening...Again! Comments

The BBC Radio 4 consumer programme, ‘You & Yours’, yesterday (29 March 2017) discussed the issues around self-administered teeth whitening and the involvement of beauty therapists.

Illegal workers in the UK Comments

Do you know who you are working with? Finding your next staff member is not an easy job, they need to fit the profile of your salon, fit in with your other staff and be good at what they do.

Setting up in business: Cash flow forecast

However you’re planning to fund your business, alongside your business plan the other key document you’ll need to have is a cash flow forecast or projection, usually covering a minimum of one year’s trading.